Health & safety

25+ years of experience.


We sterilise all equipment.

In fact our practice had a Autoclaving Sterlization System installed and used prior to the 1984 introduction of regulations.

We have a recording tray system for sterilisation which means we have a record of sterilisation for equipment with the time and date.

Communication to patients

We strongly value our patients to be informed consumers, working with us rather than blindly going into procedures.

We give information in the form of pamphlets and clear images.

We talk with patients prior to procedures to help educate them.

Most importantly we provide success and failure rates , both general and from within the practice.

We do not promise life long fixes but effective and quality procedures that will last a long time.

We do not seek a revolving door, where patients are given sub-par treatment so that they come back and pay the practice again and again.

Pain management

We have background education on integrated pain control, so we make sure that the pain is understood and managed.

We use expensive anaesthetics so that the local anaesthesia is more profound than cheaper alternatives.


We make sure to refer each patient to a specialist if needed.

We do not attempt procedures that are out of the bounds of a dental practice.


On record we have had no mal-practice cases.